Ryan Crossfield

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Our elites - the ones in Congress, the ones on Wall Street, and the ones being produced at prestigious universities and business schools - do not have the capacity to fix our problems. Indeed, they will make it worse because they have no concept, thanks to the education they have received, of how to replace a failed system with a new one. They are petty, timid, and uncreative bureaucrats superbly trained to manage and prolong the current system. They see only piecemeal solutions that will satisfy the corporate structure and promote the status quo. Their entire focus is on numbers, profits and personal advancement. They lack a moral and intellectual core. They are as eager to deny gravely ill people medical coverage to increase company profits as they are to use taxpayer dollars to peddle costly weapons systems to blood-soaked dictatorships. The human consequences never figure into their balance sheets. They believe the democratic system is a secondary product of the free market - which they slavishly serve.