the window
A mirror provides a simple reflection of the "thing" in front of it, yet our perception of what is portrayed is altered by our environment. It is obvious that, when we stand in front of a mirror, we see ourselves but the view of what is truely before us is often muted by messages of imperfection and certain fallibility. These messages are never direct in calling us on our errant ways but almost always leave us feeling as though we need something more to reach a level of social acceptance.Now imagine a window through which you could see yourself, however, unlike a mirror, this would not be a reflection of how you perceive you, but a projection of how others you. Do you think the two different images would be identical? Most certainly not, as our friends tend to have the same problems with their own mirror and thus have come to accept you on a level more than the superficial.Think about how many times in the course of the day we look at ourselves. Our resulting adjustments, of constant appearance checks, confirm that we have come to believe the lies that tell us we are inadequate. As a mindset this can only be a detriment to our consciousness and how we inevitably perceive ourselves.If there is no mirror, what then? Perception based on simple reflection within the milieu of certain falliability can no longer exist. Lies can no longer be believed because they have no basis for manifestation. Instead it is through the reactions of other people where we can begin to see our self. When the mirror is gone so is the strongest critic and along with it go the reminders of imperfection.