Ryan Crossfield

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Time is all we have for certain, yet its measurement is defined not by our action by by our inaction. Our procession through life is just that a process, devoid of unique experiences to shock us off of the line we follow. At a certain point in our lives it seems that we become comfortable being socialized in what society deems as normal. Grow up, get a job, meet someone, get married, buy a house, have kids, take care of them until they can start their own process. We all see ourselves as individuals but we seem to follow the same formula.The line which lay before us is straight and safe in that we can see where it leads. Once we are on this line its easy to get focused with just staying on the line, then every once and a while we stop and look back and wonder how we've walked so far. When we stop to think that the length we've walked on this line can be measured by time we generally tend to comment on how "time flies" or we claim to not know where the time has gone. However, it is really quite simple to know where the time has gone, it was spent navigating a prescribed path; hardly a journey worth navigation.Time is a measure of change. If we choose to live within a vacuum, allowing time to simply pull us down the line of normalcy, we can be assured a direct unhindered procession to the end. To combat this we must deviate from the line and be open to a multitude of different experiences in life so rich with novelty that time seems to grow. We must pack our lives with interesting changes, in doing so we can stretch our lives further with the memories of unique experiences.I am choosing to travel. What will you do?