reality is complicated

Reality is complicated. Reality is boring. We are incapable or unwilling to handle its confusion. Instead we ask to be indulged and confronted by cliches, stereotypes and inspirational messages telling us we can be whoever we need to be, that we live in the greatest country in the world, that we are endowed with superior moral and physical qualities and that our future will always be glorious and prosperous either because of our own attributes or our national character or because we have been blessed by god. In our society the only thing that seems to matter is the consistency of our belief systems, which are perpetuated by a manufactured illusion, constructed upon an ethic of consumerism and commodity; where we literally buy into the ideas being sold. The ability to amplify lies, to repeat them and have surrogates repeat them in endless loops of the news cycle, give lies a mythical narratives an aura of uncontested truth, both selling us our hopes and dreams as well as the elixir to overcome our inadequacies in order to achieve them.img


a sociology of knowledge


the perils of industry