
No matter what you do, every decision and subsequent outcome is simply the sum of every prior decision and subsequent outcome you or anyone else has ever made. Hence every decision you make is the "right" one and everything that happens is what was supposed to happen. So live your life and never look back because it's all working out the way it was "meant" to be.imhereforanonymitty

We all make choices that we subsequently have to live with, some are looked at in hindsight as the right decision and others are looked at as the wrong ones. Either way they were made and have to be dealt with. How do you come to terms with a bad decision? You accept it. You recognize it. You learn from it. It is the one that made you who you are, or will be given a similar decision presents itself in the future. It is the one that allows you to transcend into the next level of personage that you will be. Your future depends on your bad decisions, they made you better and they continue to make you a person that is entirely more capable than who you used to be.We have all been in a situation where a decision was hastily chosen and in retrospect we see that we should have gone with the alternative instead. However, what if you chose the alternative the first time, would you know how to choose the right way the next time? It's entirely possible, but we need to be able to see that making a bad decision is an avenue for personal growth and allows us to build a better view of the world. Progress, in any arena, would never be possible without a bit of conflict or in this case internal struggle. Without the bad we can never truly come to recognize the good. We could never, given the opportunity again, be able to make the "right" decision the second time without the introspection caused by struggling through the outcomes of our previous decisions. We grow as we move along in life. Call it wisdom if you will but it is certainly something that is acquired with age.I have made bad decision in life and while I wish I didn't make certain ones, in a way I am glad I did. It made me see things differently and made me a better person because of it. It allowed me to realize that I might not have always been the upstanding person that I thought I was, or maybe I was just being a dick. Either way, my decision, whether hindsight weighed it as bad or good, allowed me to reflect on the outcome and subsequently provided me with the ability to grow as a person That is all we can wish to do in this life.Facing our bad decisions is never something easy but I feel that it is necessary in order to grow and progress as a better individual. Without the cold how can we define the heat, without the dry how can we define the wet, without the bad how can we fully understand the good, without loneliness, do we not find the embrace of another so much more satisfying.Life is a balance and need the other half of everything to bring it into perspective. Whatever "it" is: love, wealth, success, acceptance, friendship, or accomplishment, without the opposite how can anyone truly understand and fully accept what it is to acquire any to these.Decision is never easy, there are consequences for both, but just remember that whatever your decision, it was the right one for at the moment. You may think you have chosen the wrong path yet realizing you did, makes it the right one. It allows you to become a better person through the introspection that the recognition provides. Never allow yesterday to take up to much of today, your decisions were made, learn from them and make better ones next time. The easiest day will always be yesterday and keeping this in mind help you preserve through the next and so on. I am not an advocate of fate, but I do believe that every decision you make is the right one and the one needed for you to be who you need to be in the future. So be a better person by not being afraid of the wrong decision, it will always create a better person in the end.


narrowing choice


a sociology of knowledge