rule of nature

Each disease and problem must have an equal and opposite force counterbalancing it. It’s a simple matter of polarity. And it’s a rule of Nature – a foundational law – upon which our universe is built. So for the negative to exist, there must be a positive. There is darkness, and there is light. There’s hot and there’s cold. For every yin, there is a yang. Highs can’t exist without lows. And so on. Likewise, the moment a problem is created, the universe (consciousness) simultaneously calls the solution into existence as the problem’s polar opposite. Whether you’re talking about diseases, systemic problems in society, evil plans, or suppressive people, the problem cannot exist without a solution. Of course, problems are usually crafted, executed, and publicized better than solutions are, because of the nature of who’s usually behind each


oxidation & reduction


sugar & magnesium