264. average

The average person can never be successful because by definition they are average. It’s not that none of us wish for more, it’s that stepping outside of that wish and into the reality of making it happen is difficult. It’s challenging. And there is always a risk that the time we put in will not deliver the results we wanted. But the thing is, even if that were to happen, if we were to fail, we would just be right back where we started. 

Average isn’t going anywhere. Only you can go somewhere.

Success can only come from the things we are willing to chase, to go after, and to fail at. The funny thing about that is, even if we do fail, we still learn something. We learn about ourselves, the situation, and what we can do differently next time to achieve better results. So in reality, any risk you take comes with a reward. But you have to be willing to step away from what is comfortable. That’s the only way to grow out of the average, and achieve the success you wish for.


265. reflection


263. what gives light