Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

344. passing moments

Life is a series of fleeting moments, each destined to be experienced for the "last time." The last visit to your childhood home. The last swim in the ocean. The last time you see your parents. Most of the time, we don’t realize these moments are "lasts" until they’re gone forever, leaving us with the bittersweet truth that we can never get them back.

This inevitability — that every moment will pass — ought to make each one precious. Yet we treat the present as nothing more than a stepping stone to an imagined future. We’re consumed by what’s next, blind to the irreplaceable value of now. As each moment slips away, our finite supply grows smaller, and still, we willingly trade them for the pursuit of distant, uncertain goals.

Our culture glorifies chasing the future — achieving goals, hitting milestones, or finding happiness "someday." But this fixation blinds us to the richness of the present, to the beauty of simply existing instead of endlessly striving toward a future that may never arrive.

It’s not entirely our fault. We live in a system that reduces everything — our time, our energy, our lives — to tools for tomorrow. The present is stripped of meaning, valued only for what it might produce. And the irony? Those who’ve “succeeded” most in this system often find themselves empty. They’ve mastered turning time into profit, but they’ve spent their lives treating the present as a means to an end. Happiness, forever over the next horizon, remains just out of reach.

What if we chose a different path? What if, instead of obsessing over what’s next, we embraced the here and now? What if we savored each hug, each laugh, each sunrise as if it were the last? The moments we dismiss as ordinary are, in truth, the essence of life itself.

As the Russian philosopher Alexander Herzen once said: "Because children grow up, we think a child’s purpose is to grow up, but a child’s purpose is to be a child. Nature doesn’t disdain what only lives for a day. It pours the whole of itself into each moment. Life’s bounty is in its flow. Later is too late.”

Much like that child, our purpose isn’t to achieve this or that in some uncertain future — it’s to embrace life as it unfolds in front of us.

Life is short, and the future is never guaranteed. The only certainty you have is the moment you’re in right now. To treat every moment with the reverence it deserves — not as a stepping stone, but as life itself — is to truly live. Every moment is irreplaceable.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

words i can’t say

I think about you everyday

I have ever since the first day I saw you

There was never anyone else

You were everything I wanted

I broke every part of myself trying to prove that to you

Nothing worked

You weren’t right for me

I learned the hard way

That a relationship is not a bandaid

I don’t blame you for anything,

but it hurts all the same

The future I had planned for us, 

I have to erase

That hurts the most

I wanted to marry you

I wanted our kids to have your smile,

your laugh

I miss those parts of you the most

I miss what could have been. 

A real family

A real love story

I wish it ended differently and,

I wish it never did

But in reality, you’re the most beautiful chaos

I’ve ever known

And there’s no place in my future

for things that don’t bring me peace

Just know, that after it all,

you’ll always have a piece of my heart

because I chose to give it to you

keep it,

and know that

I will always love you

I don’t know how not to

te amo.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

off topic: fight club

Here's my mildly cryptic proposition for a Fight Club... You have to accept that the "normal" way of life (the status quo) is never going to allow you to become the best version of yourself. That the only way forward is to passionately focus on completing the work necessary to illuminate, correct, and construct a new narrative that directs you towards the life you want. Whatever it is, you'll need to remove the blinders sold by reductionistic thinking and open yourself up to the multitude of inputs that allow for a compound effect (1+1+1>3). The mind, the body, and the spirit, singularly mean nothing, but when strengthened simultaneously create more than the sum of their parts. Fight Club seeks to build an undefeatable belief in the self, drawn from the ability to learn from the struggles (physical, mental, & emotional) life bestows upon you, and intentionally take action in accordance with the sovereign individual you wish to be.

  • Accountability is a pledge to your future self.

  • Respect is never forgetting the fundamentals.

  • Education never stops and is always moving.

  • Health is a vehicle for all performance.

  • Virtue is only recognized by the strength of ability.

  • Fear is a bastion for conformity.

1. Start where you are.
2. Take action (fight, read, lift, nourish, create, recover).
3. Be better than yesterday.

Fight against mediocrity to live your best life.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

337. letting go

For those who hang on to things forever, it’s important to realize that at a very fundamental level, our role as humans is to grow. And the only way for that to happen is by letting go of the people, ideas, habits, etc. that no longer serve us and the person we wish to be.

You may want to be loved by this person, or continue to practice a certain habit but it’s not the person or the habit that you want, it’s the result of those experiences we’re after. Holding on to things that no longer take us in the direction we want to go, only keeps us from arriving at the destination we want so badly.

Letting go provides us with the space to develop new relationships, learn new lessons, and create new opportunities so that we find the things we’re after. This isn’t to say that the process isn’t without heartache or strain, but it sometimes becomes a necessary part. Whenever we find the strength to let go, we open ourselves up to possibility — a place where we originally found the thing/s we current find ourselves having trouble living without — which is where we always find something new and wonderful within the space we created.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

335. normalizing fear

We’re all afraid of something, and that’s okay because it can be a powerful motivator. However, if we normalize any of our fears, our attention gradually comes to rest more on what we don’t want than what we do. We are ultimately what we pay attention to.

The things we don’t want continuously run through our mind as we say, “I don’t want to be poor.” “I don’t want to be sick.” “I don’t want to be alone.” They replay so often that we eventually develop a relationship with them.

In those moments of “I don’t want,” the mind can’t distinguish between what you want and what you don’t. It only knows what you’re interested in. And, if we continue to focus our attention on destitution, sickness, and solitude that is what we will manifest. These types of thoughts leave no room for the mind to bring our attention toward wealth, health, and love.

In the end, you get what you focus on. Stop placing all your attention on what you don’t want to happen and begin to focus your attention on what you would like to see unfold in your life. Stop placing a negative bias on your “what if’s.” Instead of saying “what if I end up poor,” “what if I end up sick,” “what if I end up alone,” start saying “what if I end up wealthy, with an abundance of health and love.”

Each of us has to understand that we don’t describe what we see, we see what we describe. The sooner we understand this fundamental principle, the sooner we can change the situation we find ourselves in.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

38 laws to live by

  1. If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no.

  2. ‎Only deal with people that love you back.

  3. ‎Perfect isn’t possible. Excellence is. Chop wood, carry water.

  4. ‎Always be grateful.

  5. Ignore the rules you don’t agree with.

  6. ‎The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself.

  7. ‎If you think it’s impossible, then it is.

  8. ‎Ideas are nothing without action.

  9. ‎The things that matter the most should never be at the mercy of the things that matter the least.

  10. ‎The time is now, not tomorrow.

  11. It’s not what you know, it’s what you consistently do.

  12. ‎Take what is useful, disregard the rest.

  13. ‎Life is happening for us, not to us.

  14. ‎Let learning lead to action.

  15. ‎Sometimes the process is more important than the product.

  16. ‎The limits of my language equal the limits of my world.

  17. ‎Losers have goals. Winners have systems.

  18. ‎Frustration is a matter of expectation.

  19. ‎Life favors the specific ask and punish the league wish.

  20. ‎Finding purpose is greater than searching for happiness.

  21. ‎Discipline equals freedom.

  22. ‎When you say “Yes” to something, you are saying “No” to something else.

  23. ‎Total honesty at all times.

  24. ‎Your choice creates your challenge.

  25. ‎Nothing quells anxiety more than action.

  26. ‎Make choices as the person you want to be would make.

  27. Strength has no detriment.

  28. ‎‎Productive is different than busy.

  29. ‎It’s not what happens to you, but how you react that matters.

  30. ‎Have integrity. Practice what you preach.

  31. ‎You never get today back.

  32. ‎An addiction to distraction is the end of creative production.

  33. ‎The caliber of your practice determines the quality of your performance.

  34. ‎Take ownership.

  35. ‎Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

  36. ‎Vulnerability is the price the brave must pay to arrive at iconic.

  37. ‎Always love like it’s the last time.

  38. Real love has no judgement.


We often mistake attachment for love. Much of the time, our sense of self is not rooted in what we see in the mirror or feel inside, instead it’s the illusion that another person can fill a void and make us whole. So, in the event that they leave, or the relationship ends, the ensuing heartbreak feels like devastation because we not only lost someone we cared about, we lost a part of what allowed us to show up in the world. But the thing is, if we lose ourselves in the process of losing another, it’s likely not love that is causing the pain, but attachment to the other.

The grasping and clinging we go through as the relationship starts to crumble is thought to be a representation of the depth of love we feel for another, when in reality, it’s just an attachment to the idea of them. And, the more we reach out and try to hold on to that idea, the more afraid we become in losing this person, which inevitably causes more suffering in the end.

Ultimately, we need to understand where our feelings come from. Attachment will always feel exponentially worse because when a person leaves, they take a piece of us with them; whereas, if it’s real love, it’s still going to hurt, but that pain is going to come from the loss of something beautifully shared, not a loss of a sense of self. So, if you really love someone, and they choose to leave, you will honor their choice because real love does not judge.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

off topic: does love come again?

Heartbreak is never fun. The common empathetic response to those going through the drudgery of despair after a breakup is to “not worry because someone else will come along.” In general, I think it’s good advice, and in the past I would believe in it wholeheartedly. I thought the universe makes us go through the motions of relationshipping, encountering the full spectrum of emotions, peaking with absolute love and bottoming out with its ultimate loss, and then somewhere down the line you end up with the one you were supposed to be with. Maybe it’s because I live in Los Angeles, have watched too many romantic movies, and have consequently succumbed to their magic. Who really knows?

HOWEVER, I do know that I found someone that literally said; “I’ve never felt this way about anyone else.” And to be completely honest with you, I felt the exact same. We talked, wrote poems, exchanged love letters and it was established that we were in agreeance that neither of us had ever felt more alive, loved, seen, heard, and sexually attracted to each other than with anyone either of us had ever been with. Sounds phenomenal, right? It definitely was. Now, imagine having found someone that can unlock all those feelings within you, and then they leave (no one did anything wrong, but she felt she needed to live a different life, and because I love and adore her, I respected her decision).

Is there any guarantee that a love of that magnitude will come again? Maybe this is emotion, but I’m going with an emphatic; NO! And I say this, not as a young, angsty teenager, finding love in anything that looks like a hole, but as someone who has been around for nearly four decades and entered into a relationship with someone who was even older than myself. We both lived HALF our lives before we found one another and shared this wonderful experiment of love. I’m not trying to sound pessimistic, but this is why I don’t really believe that simply saying “someone else will come along,” really offers any consolation because I don’t know if I’ll ever find someone like that again. But at the very least, I know exactly what I’m after.

I have a list of rules I live my life by, one of them (which was inspired by her) is to “always love like it’s the last time.” I can’t stress this enough because you never know what is going to happen.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

322. improve your health

There is an entire industry devoted toward biohacking. Much of the time it serves as a distraction from focusing on the fundamentals of improving health. Rather than getting overwhelmed with all the opinions centered around hacking different aspects of your biology, just work on the basics. You could spend thousands of hours researching the best bio hacks and not come up with a better recommendation to improve your health than to eat whole, unprocessed foods, get outside in the sun, move a lot, sleep like you’re on vacation, surround yourself with loving relationships, and practice a bit of gratitude for everything you experience. You can put all the money you save on gadgets and expensive supplements into building a life that lets you live and capture health how you’re supposed to.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

318. embrace adventure

Many people are unhappy with their circumstances, but fail to take the initiative to change their situation. Conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, they mistake safety with solace, all the while forgetting that at the very core of our being is a call for adventure. It’s the thrill of discovery that led humanity to explore and conquer the world over. That spirit is still alive within us. It’s a reason behind why we cheat on our partners or make uncharacteristic purchases — anything that will break the monotony and allow us to experience the new. We’re simply looking for an escape from the rerun that has become our lives.

We’ve forgotten that the human spirit thrives on adventure. Our joy in life comes from encountering new experiences, not reliving the same yesterday over and over. Somewhere along the line we traded adventure for safety without realizing that feeling alive requires a threat of the unknown. This doesn’t mean we need to sell all our possessions and travel the world until our funds run out, but it does mean that sometimes we need to ease the grasp on our routines. Change the route you take home. Change the order you normally complete tasks. Change the way you approach life. Embrace change. Embrace new experiences. Embrace adventure. And never forget that genuine happiness will come from discovering new horizons.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

314. choosing the ones we do

We all want to lead enjoyable lives with people who set our soul on fire. Yet, much of the time we trade the attributes we’re most passionate about for the security or stability of something less fulfilling — be it financial or otherwise. And while that isn’t necessarily wrong, is it right to give up on something that can make you feel better than anything else, just to feel comfortable in a relationship that isn’t truly fulfilling you? I would say no, for the simple fact that stifling your needs will never allow you to recognize your true potential as an individual and impact the world in the most meaningful way. Finding someone who can light your soul on fire provides inspiration, whereas settling for security leaves you longing for the things that can make you whole. But, I don’t speak for everybody and ultimately, it is circumstances that dictate our narratives and the reasoning behind why we inevitably choose the relationships we do.

So, while it is admirable that certain people can slough off the need for security to follow their heart, it is a bit conceited to think that those who don’t are any less. At the end of the day, we all make decisions that are right for us in the moment. Security may be what some people need to develop into the person that chases their passion in the future; alternatively, aligning with someone who inspires you into action may be the best way to feel secure and achieve the life you’re after. We’re all different. Some of us will have our hearts broken, becoming casualties in the wake of another’s transformation, but if we’re lucky we’ll find the right person, at the right time, who chooses to walk the same path and wants to share in co-creating a narrative together.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

310. soulmate

The modern idea of the soulmate is a yearning for connection and love that people in the ancient past would have sought through a connection with a higher power. It seems like a more appropriate path for this impulse to be guided along.

If we make a person a soulmate or a redeemer, what are we going to do when they let us down? What is a relationship, other than a reflection of ourselves? Do we ever really know a person or only the aspects of them you interact with. I’m sure we all know someone where we’ve been surprised to find they had a second life. But why? We’re always changing.

The idea of a soulmate is the materialization of an impulse that belongs in the realm of the sublime. It shouldn’t be epitomized. It shouldn’t be symbolized. It has to be lived. We can’t continually look for objects of fulfillment, whether they be relationships or possessions. Instead we need to look within ourselves, and understand we are beings in a constant state of flux. There is no self to label, no soulmate to anoint because we are constantly changing. There is no we, me, or you. We are continually evolving, remodeling, and growing with every moment and experience.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

309. straying

Why do relationships go wrong? Likely, when we show up as someone other than ourselves with unrealistic expectations. When we hide away parts of ourselves or feel they’re unappreciated, we seek to have them actualized elsewhere, leading to infidelity as a way to prove that those parts of us are still alive.

The only way around this situation, and to cultivate a relationship worth having, is to show up as authentically and honestly as we can. Only then are we able to fully be ourselves and seen for who we truly are. It’s the only way to transcend the stagnancy that has become the status quo within a majority of relationships; where poor communication and worse sexual chemistry, ultimately push us or our partners to look elsewhere. It’s a search to fulfill something that is missing, but if we can transition away from the commonplace idea that we need to hide parts of ourselves from our partners, or settle for partners that don’t allow us to be seen for who we are, we’ll never find somebody who allows us to cross the threshold into the extraordinary territory where boundless magnetism and infinite potential exist.

If we’re able to find a person who fits us just right, and share in the life changing results of cataclysmic self-actualizing sex, things like infidelity do not happen. It cannot happen because there is no room for it. The only place infidelity can happen is within a relationship where the couple are out of sync, to the point where their relationship has devolved into lies or worse, deception, in an effort to hide parts of themselves or their needs. Of course, we all need a place to be our full selves, and if we can’t get it within our relationships, we stray.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

306. change the things you say before you start to believe them

You are not your thoughts. Saying things like “I don’t deserved to be loved” or “my life sucks” doesn’t make it true, yet the more we say these negative things to ourselves, the harder it becomes to not believe them. We’ve all experienced heartbreak, loss, pain, and challenges along the way, but just because those events are in the past doesn’t mean we’re not still holding on to their repercussions in the form of negative self talk.

Those thoughts and feelings of negativity will persist until we learn what we need to change or redefine within ourselves. They serve as a beacon of where we need to place our attention so that the pain can be dealt with and healed. If, for example, you haven’t healed from a poor relationship with your parents, you may develop the mistaken belief that you don’t deserve love, and then continue to find partners who mirror your unresolved issues around love. If we don’t deliberately start changing the things we say to ourselves, we’re destined to repeat and recreate the pain over and over again.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

299. it’s about compromise, right?

People in unhappy or unfulfilling relationships often say things like “relationships are about compromise, right?” More often than not, it seems like this sentiment stems from one person feeling pressured into doing what the other wants by pushing solutions that don’t seem fair. But real compromise feels different. It doesn’t mean mutual sacrifice; it means a balancing of desires. It’s a feeling that your needs are taken into account, and even if you don’t get everything you want, you, as well as your partner, both feel as though you got enough of what you needed.

Compromise doesn’t need to be a painful experience. It largely comes down to the emotional maturity of the people we’re involved with. The best outcomes are from those who are so attentive and connected that it’s enjoyable to work things out with them. They care about how you feel, and don’t want you to be dissatisfied. And because they have empathy, they won’t feel settled if you’re unhappy with the outcome. So don’t compromise your needs, cultivate your own emotional maturity, and find someone that is willing to balance your desires.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

296. outsourcing our needs

Too often we enter relationships for the wrong reasons. We’re either looking to be seen for something we can’t see in ourselves or to fill a void that is too painful to deal with on our own. But outsourcing our needs will never allow us to heal.

We all need to take responsibility for ourselves and our emotions by accepting that it is solely our job to feel the things we want to feel, instead of looking for a partner to give it to us. This means we should endeavor to be the source of our own fulfillment, peace, safety, validation, and stability. And if we feel we are lacking in any of these areas, it means we need to get started doing the work to figure out why the voids are there, so that we don’t make the mistake of trying to find someone else to fill them by entering a relationship.

When we understand that it is no one’s responsibility to complete us, other than our own, we can do the work and then approach life from a place of wholeness, instead of lack. This gives new life, and promise to any relationship we enter into because we’re no longer relying on our romantic partners to make us happy or take away our pain.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

287. mistaking attachment for love

We often mistake attachment for love. A lot of the time our sense of self is not rooted in what we see in the mirror or feel inside, instead it’s the illusion that another person can fill a void and make us whole. So in the event that they leave, or the relationship ends, the ensuing heartbreak feels like devastation because we not only lost someone we cared about, we lost a part of what allowed us to show up in the world. But the thing is, if we lose ourselves in the process of losing another, it’s likely not love that is causing the pain, but attachment to another.

The grasping and clinging we go through as the relationship starts to crumble is thought to be a representation of the depth of love we feel for another, when in reality, it’s just an attachment to the idea of them. And the more we reach out and try to hold on to that idea, the more afraid we become in losing this person, which inevitably causes more suffering in the end.

Ultimately, we need to understand where our feelings come from. Attachment will always feel exponentially worse because when a person leaves, they take a piece of us with them; whereas if it’s love, it’s still going to hurt, but that pain is going to come from the loss of something beautifully shared, not a loss of a sense of self.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

286. settling for familiar

When it comes to love, there are people who are going to be better for you than others. Unfortunately, sometimes our right person may have already met, and established a relationship with, the wrong one. And you know it’s the wrong one because they stray far enough from their situation to stumble into you. And all that you offer one another, brings you closer, makes you feel alive, fulfilled, and inspired.

Yet, no matter how much love, chemistry, and connection that is shared between the both of you, there is never a guarantee you two will exist together, strictly for one another. It would mean, the one person in the wrong relationship would have to leave, and it’s never that easy. Largely because most of our decisions are based on familiarity. It’s easier to deal with any situation, even if it is less than ideal, when you know what to expect. And familiarity is so powerful that it can cause us to turn down the right person for the wrong one.

Some people realize what needs to be done and make the jump, other people choose to stay where they are because it’s familiar. In either situation, there are differing definitions of success and failure, so there’s no right or wrong answer to the question of what is the best course of action. But the thing is, if we’re settling for familiarity, ease, and comfort, simply out of the fear of having to struggle a little to find equilibrium in a better environment, how can we ever expect to have the things, feelings, relationships, connections, love, or successes we want?

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

280. right person, wrong time

What happens if you find the right person at the wrong time? When I say the right person, I mean someone who you share a connection with that is unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. Exciting, but familiar. Comfortable, but never boring. Inspired, but safe in being who you are. There’s a perfect match in polarity. What you lack is uplifted by the other, and vice versa. Where physical attraction, spiritual passion, and sexual desire only grow deeper with each meeting. And no matter the space in between those shared times together, it’s like no time had passed at all. It’s everything that you read about in love stories and watch in romantic movies come true. Now condense all that down into one person, and that’s what I mean when I say the right person. Such a presence. And so hard to deny.

What if, you find someone who gives you all these things, and who says you do all the same for them, but that person is in a relationship with someone else? And it’s very unlikely that you’ll ever be together to realize your full potential because there are so many variables standing in your way. What is the right course of action for times like this? Am I supposed to walk away because it’s never going to happen or continue to fight for the best feeling I’ve ever had with another human being? It’s sad and tragic to think that the universe would deliver this beautiful person to me, who provides everything I need to be the person I aspire to become, yet I’ll never be able to truly exist with them. It’s the classic case of the “right person at the wrong time.”

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

276. authentic love

Something I’ve learned is that for a relationship to work, and more importantly have the potential to thrive, it can’t be used as a means to fill any voids or wounds caused by our past. If either participant is looking for rescue or validation through the love of another, the relationship isn’t going to work.

A healthy relationship is one that can provide a welcoming space for mutual evolution. This sentiment is, as Dr. Nicole LePera puts it, “the essence of authentic love.” She goes on to say that, “when two people allow each other the freedom and support to be fully seen, heard, and Self expressed, authentic love doesn’t feel like an emotional roller coaster; it feels like peace and an inner knowing that you are both choosing to show up from a place of mutual respect and admiration.

Authentic love is one that feels more like home, than a drug. It definitely has the power to take you on a ride, but it’s not going to create dependence. Any high comes from the realization that life is better with this person, not because of them. It’s rooted in the awareness that this person isn’t there to fix you, heal you, or make up for all the traumas you’ve experienced in your past, but with this person around, sharing a life is much more enjoyable and because of this there is always an inspiration for continual growth, both independently and as a couple.

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Ryan Crossfield Ryan Crossfield

274. every choice comes with exclusion

Every choice comes with exclusion. Our ability to choose is valuable, in that it gives us the power to create our story. We weigh our options, then choose the best one for us in the moment. Sometimes the choices can be made fairly easily, other times they can be devastatingly hard. In either case, there is always a loss to endure. We inevitably have to give up on one narrative to allow for a chance at another to grow.

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