147. any road will get you there

If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there. It’s not going to be the most efficient way to accomplish anything specific, but just because you aren’t sure where you’re going doesn’t necessarily mean you’re lost. It’s something most people don’t like to admit, that most of us don’t know what we want. Somehow to be seen as “going somewhere” you need to have a definitive plan mapped out. Yet, part of life is figuring it out as you go. Research shows that only 6% of people work in the profession they aspired to when they were young, and a third of people end up in a career that has nothing to do with what they studied in college. 

it’s not a bad thing to not always know where you’re going. Nor should you be ashamed to be lost at times. Life is about experience. It’s about discovering the parts you like, disregarding what you don’t, and creating yourself as you go. As long as the direction you’re traveling serves a purpose, by satisfying curiosities, mending past traumas, and improving your quality of life, what more can you really ask for?


148. passions change, purpose endures


146. strokes on a canvas